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CD & 5K


October 19, 2017

Our Child Development class recently learned the song, "Hickory Dickory Dock". We made our own clocks and mice to take home. We have also been learning ASL (American Sign Language) to songs like, "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "Twinkle, twinkle Little Star."


This week we listened to the song "Spider on the Floor" by Raffi and made our spiders move according to the lyrics. 




October 20, 2017

This week we learned about our Whisper Voice with the help of our new friend, Buttercup the Butterfly. We talked about how we have to be very quiet around butterflies because they scare easily and fly away. We whispered our names to Buttercup, and we sang songs using our whisper voice like, "Three Little Muffins", "Peanut Butter & Jelly", "Rise and Shine", and "Dingle Dangle Scarecrow".


We are also practicing our Veterans Day Song, "This Land is Your Land." We will be singing this with 1st grade in our Veterans Day Program. 



September 29, 2017

We are learning about the 4 voices and we are now learning about our Singing Voice! Peter Rabbit introduced us to his friend "Snowy the Owl" who loves to sing. She taught us that "singing voice is the best, it's better than all the rest." We sang echo songs, like "Where is Thumbkin" and "No More Pie".











September 14, 2017

Our 5K classes are learning about the 4 voices and this week we learned about the Speaking Voice with some help from our friend Peter Rabbit. Peter taught us, "Speaking voice is the best, it's better than all the rest" because it is the voice we use most often.  We also learned a song called, "Apple Tree" and the students had to listen for my speaking voice. 









September 8, 2017

Our CD and 5K classes have been learning and practicing music room expectations and songs we will use frequently in music class to help us learn different music concepts.



Snowy the Owl and Peter Rabbit
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